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Our Partners: Project Food

Project Food: Supporting the Community in Axminster

Nestled in the heart of Axminster, Project Food is a beacon of hope and health for the local community. They are dedicated to promoting nutritious eating habits and providing essential support to those in need. Let’s delve into the inspiring work of Project Food and how it’s making a difference in East Devon, South Somerset, and West Dorset.


A Mission Rooted in Health

At its core, Project Food believes that everyone deserves access to nutritious food. Their mission is to empower individuals with the skills, confidence, and motivation to cook healthy meals that fit their budget and lifestyle. Whether you’re a parent, a young person, someone with a health condition, or simply looking to improve your diet, Project Food offers a range of services to support you.


Comprehensive Support Services

Project Food’s services are as diverse as the community it serves. They offer:


Cooking Demonstrations and Hands-On Sessions: Learn how to prepare delicious and nutritious meals through interactive classes.

One-to-One Support: Personalized guidance to help you make lasting dietary changes.

Emergency Food Support: Providing essential food supplies to those in immediate need.

Community Impact

The impact of Project Food extends beyond individual health. By fostering a culture of healthy eating, they contribute to the overall well-being of the community. Their work with schools, youth clubs, and mental health support groups ensures that people of all ages and backgrounds benefit from their services.

Get Involved

Project Food thrives on community involvement. Whether you want to volunteer, donate, or participate in their programs, there are numerous ways to get involved. Your support can help Project Food continue its vital work and reach even more people in need.

Stay Connected

To stay updated on Project Food’s activities, sign up for their newsletter. You’ll receive exciting new recipes, food tips, and other updates every month.


Project Food is more than just a charity; it’s a lifeline for many in Axminster and the surrounding areas. By promoting healthy eating and providing essential support, they are building a stronger, healthier community. If you’re in the area, consider reaching out to Project Food and see how you can benefit from or contribute to their incredible work.

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